Happy Fall!

Well, Hello there! Did you miss me? 😉 So my plan was to post a new blog every day but being the new blogger that I am I decided to read about what I am supposed to do... apparently NOT post every day! lol I have spent the last week working on a few jobs that I will post to my site once I get client approval and then preparing for Halloween, which is a BIG deal with my daughter, ok I can't lie, me too. lol We will take any excuse to dress up and pretend to be something else, for Savannah that usually means one of her own creations that she has drawn and wants to bring to life. Last year it was a winged wolf girl, this year it's a galaxy, winged space-ified (her word) person kinda thing. I know.... I don't really understand either but lucky for you, you aren't the one having to turn this idea into a costume. I AM... But, Challenge accepted! I will post some pictures of the finished product be it a success or epic failure lol 

On the homeschooling front things are going pretty good, other than I am realizing that she seems to be bored, like not challenged enough and already knows everything I am teaching for her grade level so I am looking into getting an evaluation to see what grade her aptitude is and go from there. Oh and the weather has finally cooled off here in hell, I mean sunny Florida, so we have started outdoor PE! yeah! lol we are super excited to be able to go outside without instantly sweating feeling like you walked into a sauna, and the cooler weather also made it nice to do an outdoor movie night with her and her friends, we watched Hocus Pocus, ate lots of candy and unfortunately still fought mosquitoes, I guess it's not too cool for them yet 😒  We are going to do it again this weekend fire and hot cocoa included!

Ok, so I think that's all I've got for you today, I need to get back to work! I will try to share some design wisdom this week in case anyone actually cares about that!  I hope you have an amazing day and see the beautiful Visual Design all around you......  💗 K 
