My First Blog....

Soooo... I am trying to figure this whole blogging thing out because everyone says I NEED to do it to get traffic to my website and generate business... I am going to ask in advance that whoever may find themselves reading this to please bear with me while I find my groove, lol (literally laughing out loud while I am writing this BTW) and I think I just terrified my new kitten. I guess I should start by introducing myself because I am hoping someone other than people who already know me will be reading this! My name is Karen von Hentschel and I am the owner of and I have been doing graphic design in one way or another most of my life. My father was a graphic arts teacher/custom painter/pinstriper/most amazing guy you'll ever meet, so by the time I was 13 I had a 4 color t-shirt screen print machine, an offset press, a hand press, a plate maker and black and white darkroom in the basement and at 14 I started in the graphic arts program at a 4 year vocational school. I sold my first logo design to a local shop at 15 and by that point had been laying out graphics on cars with my Dad for quite a few years. I can lay out a mean set of flames..... So now to the present... I am a single mother of an amazing 13 year old artist who can draw WAY better than me, has taught herself how to animate and teaches me something new every day, and is the most important reason that I am sitting here writing this blog at midnight trying to get everyone's attention. I should probably explain.... I am homeschooling her. I am trying to give her the education she can't get in school nowadays, I am teaching her using art and what excites her and grabs her, making her want to learn, not just to pass a standardized test that some politician decided was necessary for teachers to do their job Grrrrrr. Don't get me wrong, I am not against public school, my father was a fantastic teacher in a public school, actually I model most of my teaching after the way he did things, the way things should still be done today but unfortunately aren't. Ok, so I think I've covered a pretty good summary of me and why I am here for my first blog lol, and I am looking forward to sharing my designs, my art, my life and passions, my homeschooling adventures and probably even some frazzled moments with you! I hope you have an amazing day and see the beautiful Visual Design all around you......  💗 K 
