The Importance of Great Visual Design

Sooo... I am back! I am not giving up on this blog thing just yet sorry, lol.
I was thinking I could jump into a design/marketing discussion that selfishly
I hope boosts peoples interest in giving me a shot at their design needs, but
unselfishly I think anyone in business in today's visually over-stimulated world
should know to succeed. 

Hopefully I won't bore you as I really want you to keep coming back lol... 

We'll start with some research stats...

Did you know it takes only 1/10th of a second to form a first impression about something? 
ANYTHING. So YES, that means even YOUR business. What that means for you is that
it takes about 50 milliseconds, that’s 0.05 seconds for a potential customer of 
YOUR BUSINESS to form the FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT opinion about your visual image, which translates to more than half of their opinion of YOU and YOUR BUSINESS. Again
I will repeat that, 0.05 seconds and if any of you have drag raced before you know 
a perfect reaction time is .500 seconds or 500 milliseconds, which means a perfect 
reaction time is TEN TIMES LONGER than it takes for someone to decide if your image 
is appealing to them. Like, HOLY S#*@ right?!? So are you now grasping the importance 

Here's a few bullet points about what research has shown:

• 7% of first impressions are based on our words

• 38% are based on our tone and mannerisms
and as I said previously and can't say enough...


So Yep, it really is mostly about how you look... TOTALLY opposite of what I try to 
teach my daughter is most important EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. (One of the many 
conundrums I face in my homeschooling/raising a teenage daughter/having a business
adventure, but delving too deep into that is probably for another blog.)

My advice? 

Visual appeal MATTERS. A. LOT. So don’t cut corners on design, ever.  LIKE EVER.
A simple design overhaul can result in significant financial improvement.
Opinions are formed about your business in a literal blink of an eye. 
The first second on your website MATTERS, so make it COUNT.
Make a great FIRST IMPRESSION, you won't get a second chance... 

I think that is all for today, I want to thank you for visiting and again I will say, 
I hope you have an amazing day and see the beautiful Visual Design all around you...  💗 K 
